Sunday, May 8, 2016

Week 6: BioTech + Art

In lecture this week, we learned about different ways artists use biotechnology in their works. Joe Davis was one of the first individuals to explore this field by synthesizing DNA and inserting that DNA into the genomes of living bacteria. He used biotechnology to create many different artworks such as the Audio Microscope and Microvenus (Vesna 2012).

The Microvenus Project
(Genetics and Culture 2015)

The Microvenus icon 
(Davis 1986) 

The Audio Microscope
(Genetics and Culture 2000)

The works of Joe Davis and many other artists that used biotechnology bring up ethical debates and controversy. For example, Alba, the fluorescent rabbit, was created and noted as artwork that displays something that doesn’t exist normally. However, debates are brought up about the value of this piece of art and if it is ethical to use animals for things other than medical advancements (Genome News Network 2004).

(Zimmer 2015)

Artistic media using technology represents the third culture that C.P. Snow discusses (Snow 1959). It represents the intersection between art and science, as artists are using science to create their pieces. With the development of technology, especially biotechnology, BioArt is becoming increasingly popular (Vesna 2012).
A collage of words that describe and represent Biotechnology 
(Dangi 2012)

Moreover, life is being used more and more as an expressive medium. I would consider life a valid expressive medium, as not only has it been done through Microvenus or Alba, but also because art and science are becoming inseparable with today’s growing third culture (Thrissur 2014). However, there should be restrictions for artists using biotechnology, as loosely using life as a medium can cause the creation of harmful organisms that may disrupt nature.

The film Jurassic Park is an example of how experimental science to create art can become detrimental to society. The experimenters in the movie recover dinosaur DNA and clone this DNA. They then insert the DNA into eggs in order to create dinosaurs (Iowa Public Television 2004). This fictional story is actually becoming realistic with the development of technology, shown through the successful cloning of a gaur. The endangered gaur's DNA was cloned and inserted into a cow's egg. Bessie, the cow, carried this modified egg and gave birth to the gaur. This successful experiment shows the wide application of genetic engineering occurring in our world (Appleton 2013).

Jurassic Park T. Rex
(Phillips 2015)

The potential dangers of bioengineering used in art should by no means limit human creativity, but rather encourage artists to express their creativity in a form that will not be detrimental to society so that they can continue to use biotechnology as a bridge between their creativity and their artwork.

Appleton, Caroline. "The First Successful Cloning of a Gaur (2000), by Advanced Cell Technology" The Embryo Project Encyclopedia. 26 July 2013. Web. 08 May 2016. <>.

Dangi, Ritu. "Biotechnology." Engineers Garage. 2012. Web. 08 May 2016. <>.

Davis, Joe. "Microvenus." Media Art Net. 1986. Web. 08 May 2016.<>.

Genetics and Culture. "Audio Microscope: Joe Davis." Genetics and Culture. 2000. Web. 09 May 2016. <>.

Genetics and Culture. "Microvenus: Joe Davis: Genetics and Culture." 2015. Web. 08 May 2016. <>.

Genome News Network. "Transgenic Bunny by Eduardo Kac." Genome News Network. 2004. Web. 08 May 2016. <>.

Iowa Public Television. "Jurassic Park." Explore More Genetic Engineering. 2004. Web. 08 May 2016. <>.

Phillips, Ian. "These Great Sketches Show the 'Jurassic Park' TV Series That Sadly Never Came to Be." Tech Insider. 6 Sept. 2015. Web. 08 May 2016. <>.

Snow, C. P. The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution. New York: Cambridge UP, 1959. Print.

Thrissur, Ist. "Art and Science Are Inseparable, Says Mathematician." The Hindu. 04 June 2014. Web. 08 May 2016. <>.

Vesna, Victoria. Lecture. "BioTech Art Lectures". 2012. Web. 08 May 2016.

Zimmer, Marc. "Alba." Green Fluorescent Protein. 2015. Web. 08 May 2016. <>.

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